The Awards Ceremony for graduates of British universities

31 march, 2024

As part of the British Council project “Study UK Alumni Awards Kazakhstan”, Associate Professor of the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Evidence-Based Medicine, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Ussatayeva G.M. was invited to the Awards Ceremony for graduates of British universities, which took place on February 8, 2024 at the residence of His Majesty's Ambassador. Previously Usataeva G.M. was a member of the jury to determine the finalists and winner of this competition. The award ceremony was attended by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan S. Nurbek, the British Ambassador to the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Leach, and the Director of the British Council in the Republic of Kazakhstan Robert Taylor. They gave a welcoming speech. Minister S. Nurbek also presented the Oxford Kazakh-English dictionary. The awards took place in 4 categories, including the Science and Sustainable Development sections. A winner was selected from three finalists. It was Erkenaz Zholymbaeva, a Bolashak scholarship recipient and a graduate of the University of Warwick. The award was presented by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan S. Nurbek. The award ceremony was followed by a reception and exchange of views on issues of science, sustainable development, business, creative culture and social action.

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