A drinking fountain has been installed in KazNU

2 april, 2024

A street drinking fountain was installed at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University as part of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal #6 "Clean Water and Sanitation".

The new fountain is directly connected to the centralized water supply. It is equipped with a special filter that ensures qualitative and fast water purification. To draw water, students and teachers only need to press a special button of the apparatus.
"I believe that the drinking fountain is very effective and convenient for students. It is a great opportunity to quench thirst in hot weather. There are many such fountains in developed states and residents often use them. Therefore, we are very happy that the fountain with clean drinking water is now installed in KazNU", - says 1st year student Madina Kuandykkyzyzy.

The fountain was installed on the alley in front of the Al-Farabi Library. In the future it is planned to install 24 such drinking fountains. They will be installed in all educational buildings, administration and library buildings on the territory of KazNUgrad.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University