The III international Farabi forum will host the International scientific and practical conference "Al-Farabi and the spiritual heritage of the kazakh people".

1 april, 2024










Dear representatives of mass media!


From April 4 to 5, 2024 the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University within the framework of THE III INTERNATIONAL FARABI FORUM will host the international scientific and practical conference "AL-FARABI AND THE SPIRITUAL HERITAGE OF THE KAZAKH PEOPLE".

The great thinker, encyclopedic philosopher Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Tarkhan ibn Uzlag al-Farabi al-Turki (870-950) occupies a special place in the history of world science and culture, in particular, in the culture of the peoples of the East, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The rich scientific and philosophical heritage of al-Farabi is a precious treasure, a unique source of modern science, education and modern culture of both Kazakhstan and world civilization. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University aims to research, disseminate, and promote the heritage of the great thinkers of humanity, uniting the personalities of the entire Turkic world - al-Farabi. Within the framework of the International Farabi Forum, a scientific platform has been created where meetings, consultations and discussions of Farabi scholars from all over the world are held, which is especially important for the country’s current and future scientific activities.

The main goal of the International Farabi Forum is to popularize the spiritual, historical and philosophical foundations of the development of modern society through the prism of al–Farabi's rich heritage; to create a new platform for dialogue and cooperation between the world's leading scientists studying the legacy of the Great thinker.

The Forum participants will discuss a wide range of topical issues related to the integration of science and education, and the improvement of modern society's spiritual, moral and personal culture. The section will consider issues related to the legacy of al-Farabi and current problems of Farabi studies; the phenomenon of a "virtuous man" in the legacy of Turkic scientists and other topical issues of social and humanitarian science; various forms of discourse within the framework of studies of al-Farabi's creativity and the spiritual heritage of the Kazakh people.

The Forum will host the first meeting of the Kazakh Committee of the Philosophical Society of Turkic Peoples and the presentation of 1-4 volumes of the "Anthology of Turkic Philosophy".

The main areas of work of the International Farabi Forum: al-Farabi's legacy and current problems of Farabi studies; philosophy of language and the language of philosophy in the teachings of Abu Nasr al-Farabi; the "Virtuous Man" in the legacy of Al-Farabi and Turkic scientists; Al-Farabi and the Kazakh civilization; mathematical, natural science and pedagogical heritage of al-Farabi.

The following discussion within the framework of the forum: “Abu Nasr al-Farabi Legacy and Psychological Science Development in the World”;“ al-Farabi’s Language of Education: Inter-cultural Communication and Personality in the Context of National Identity”; “Sociology and social work: a new perspective in education and research”; “Problems of violence in society: prevention and solutions”; “Pragmatism and spirituality in modern Kazakh philosophy” discussion platform;  “Philosophical discourse on happiness”; “Philosophical terminology in the Kazakh language”; “Formation and development of political science in independent Kazakhstan”; including essay competition  “Thoughts on life meaning”; video competition “Relevance of Kazakh philosophy” and  “Spiritual History” platform, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the 30th anniversary of the Farabi Small Academy.

The forum will be attended by scientists from universities in the USA, Russia,  Italy, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Syria, Egypt,  Iran,  and both on-line and off-line.

Working languages of the forum: Kazakh, Russian, English, Turkish.

It is planned to publish a scientific collection based on the results of the participants’ reports.


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,

 Department of Philosophy,

Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies

of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science

, Al-Farabi Center, Kazakh Committee of the

Philosophical Society of Turkic Peoples and the Department

of Informatics and Informatization of Education

 of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.


DATE AND TIME: April 4-5, 2024

VENUE: Almaty, 71/27 al-Farabi Ave., Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Al-Farabi Scientific Library, Hall 409


 mixed (off-line and on-line with broadcast on You Tube)


854 4873 9294, codes: 998041



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