Gender Policy. The fight against violence.
03/28/2024 1st year students, specialty "Economics" under the guidance of Tabeev T.P. conducted an advisory hour on the topic “Gender Policy. The fight against violence." Teachers of the Department of Economics and 3rd year students also took an active part.
The purpose of this event was:
-introduce students to the concepts of “gender”, “gender education”, “gender equality”; the principles of gender equality, which makes possible the versatile personal development of girls and boys, the realization of their inclinations and capabilities; to form the knowledge necessary for students to free themselves from prejudices regarding gender and mitigate corresponding stereotypes;
- develop gender culture as a necessary condition for comprehensive self-realization; develop a correct understanding of the essence of moral norms and attitudes in the field of gender relations, the need to be guided by them in all areas of activity;
А person’s awareness of his belonging to the male or female gender determines his behavior, way of life, and the formation of a person’s personal qualities. This is a complex process associated with mastering a certain gender role (SDG 5).
During the advisory hour there was a discussion where everyone expressed their opinion. Both teachers and students talked about gender policies from economic, social and political sides. They also noted the importance of holding such events for people of different ages, which could contribute to the literacy of the population and spiritual and cultural development. We express our gratitude to the Department of Economics for their interest and the opportunity to address the pressing problems of modern society.