Basics of communication skills when interacting with the media

2 april, 2024

April 2, 2024 at 14:00 at the Faculty of Law of KazNU named after. Al-Farabi within the framework of SDG 17 “Partnership for sustainable development” by teachers of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law Ph.D. Mynbatyrova N.K., Ph.D. Kultemirova L.T. and Ph.D. Zharbolova A.Zh. A leadership lecture was organized on the topic “Basics of communication skills when interacting with the media.” The speaker was Dinara Amangeldievna Sagandykova, police lieutenant colonel, member of the Union of Journalists, teacher at the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after. M. Esbulatova.

In her speech, the speaker focused on the important issue of the importance of the communication skills of law enforcement officers when interacting with the media.

The lecturer introduced students to the procedures for conducting briefings, press conferences, interviewswith employees of internal affairs bodies, the prosecutor's office and other law enforcement agencies. The speaker noted the rules that must be followedwhen communicating with media representatives. The interviewer should pay special attention to thoughtful wording, should not use sarcasm and should not use words that could be interpreted as offensive.

The students listened with great interest to the lecturer who touched on such topical issues, asked many questions and noted that developing a positive online reputation has a significant impact on building a career in law enforcement, other government agencies, as well as in private practice.