Round table discussion on the topic "Effective ways to solve the problems of water shortage in Kazakhstan"

2 april, 2024

On April 02, 2024 at 15.00  the lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology together with the 1st year  students of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management in the online format on the platform ZOOM held a round table discussion  on the topic: "Effective ways to solve the problems of water shortage in Kazakhstan"  within  the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals. The aims  of the round table discussion were  to  to ensure rational use of water resources and availability of sanitation; to draw attention to the effective use of drinking water; to form the intellectual potential of students; to develop creative speaking skills in English.

The lecturers, students and master's degree  students of the Department of "Linguistics and Intercultural Communication" of the Volgograd Institute of Management, a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration took part in the event. The event was conducted by the teacher Balgabekova R. N., who was  a moderator.  The Volgograd Institute of Management was represented by  Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor E. V. Stepanova.

The students prepared and made their  presentations on very serious  environmental problems: causes and consequences of water shortage, water purification and water conservation in Kazakhstan, Russia and all over the world, specific measures to reduce water shortage. Following  the presentations,  the participants asked questions on these topics, expressed their thoughts and actively participated in the discussion. As a result,  the topical issues on the topic of water shortage were discussed and summarized.

          The students who actively participated in the round table discussion  were awarded  certificates and letters of thanks.

Organizers: Balgabekova R. N., Karabayeva B. N., Tsyganova V. A., Zhamalova T. B., Esenamanova K. M., Merkibayev T. A., Uzakbayeva Z. A., Madiyeva Z. K., Kairakbayeva G. S., Abdinazarova S. Zh., Ussenova E. K.

Video link: