14 february, 2024

“Zhas dauren, kanday sulu edin, shirkіn!...” 2024 February 14, a creative association of teachers and students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics named after K. Amanzholov and the Department of Mechanics organized in the Red Hall named after U. A. Zholdasbekova, a famous writer, poet, laureate of the International Literary Prize "Alash", State Prize "Daryn", the Union of Youth of Kazakhstan, the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan named after Smagul Saduakasov, First Deputy Chairman of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, Academician of the Academy of Journalism of Kazakhstan Nurzhan Kuantayevich held a literary- educational evening for students and staff of KazNU on the topic “Zhas dauren, kanday sulu united, shirkin!...”

At a creative meeting held by the senior curator of the faculty, Bolat Abenov, the novel by the scientist-poet N. Kuantayevich about the December event “Omartanyin Oirany” was comprehensively analyzed, which convincingly and comprehensively reflected aspects of prison life of the Soviet period, to which reading youth received comprehensive answers to exciting their questions.

На вечере присутствовал декабристский поэт А. Кәріпжанәулеті, который читал стихи посвящения. Библиотека Аль-Фараби подготовила большую выставку из произведений автора и материалов о поэте и его творчестве, опубликованных в периодической печати, члены студенческих молодежных организаций выразительно прочитали стихи гостя вечера, исполнили песни и кюи. В конце вечера организаторы вручили поэту подарки, а автор передал свои произведения библиотеке Аль-Фараби.