The teachers of the Department of Chinese Studies provide simultaneous translation for all the main events of our country

8 april, 2024

Teachers of the Department of Chinese Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies provide simultaneous interpretation for all events organized in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as abroad. By the way, on March 27-28, Professor of the Department Fatimabibi Daulet implemented simultaneous translation using Chinese, Russian, and Kazakh of all events of our alma mater organized as part of the opening of the Kazakh-Chinese joint laboratory "Remote Sensing Technology and Applications". At the same time, senior lecturer of the department Kulpynai Duisenbai, 2nd year doctoral student of the department studying in the specialty "Translation studies" Sharipova Anar on March 28-29 also provided simultaneous interpretation for all official events organized within the framework of the opening of the Year of Kazakh Tourism in China. On March 27-30, senior teachers of the department Nurzhan Saparbayeva, Sandugash Mettibayeva, 1st year doctoral student Su Jia-yin, 1st year Master's student Baknar Dankey provided simultaneous interpretation to the II Astana International Forum of Exporters with the participation of Chinese business.The staff of the Department of Chinese Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies consists of highly qualified specialists – philologists, historians, political scientists, cultural scientists - methodologists of different generations, authors of many modern textbooks, textbooks, monographs and dictionaries recommended for teaching in universities of our country. All teachers of the department creatively approach the educational process, constantly updating teaching materials, taking into account new trends in teaching, new linguistic and cultural realities, as well as regularly and actively participate in all domestic and interstate events, providing these events with high-quality simultaneous translation.