Scientific internship at Hanguk University of Foreign Studies

8 april, 2024

In the period from March 13 to March 24, 2024, master's student of the Faculty of Oriental Studies Aizhan Talgatovna Tulebaeva underwent a foreign scientific internship at the Hanguk University of Foreign Languages, which is located in Yongin, South Korea.

Hanguk University of Foreign Studies is recognized as the best higher education institution for foreign languages ​​and internationalization in Korea. With an emphasis on global thinking, the university has entered into Memoranda with 543 universities and institutes in 93 countries, including Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Kazakhstan. The advantages of the university are the high level of teaching foreign languages, the most detailed program for studying the Korean language and a powerful teaching staff.

The internship program included acquaintance with the university and scientific personnel, familiarization with the history of the university, activities, management system, planning, goals and strategies, and attendance at lectures. Also acquaintance with the Institute of Central Asian Studies (ICAS) at the Hanguk University of Foreign Studies, acquaintance with the Department of Korean Studies at the Hanguk University of Foreign Studies, a visit to the library of the Hanguk University of Foreign Studies, a collection of works related to the master's thesis and a visit to the Museum of the Korean Modern Library in Seoul.

At this university, the master’s student also had the opportunity to listen to professors’ lectures, search for materials in the university library, collect works of local and foreign scientists, study scientific methods of data processing relevant to the topic of his dissertation work “Linguistic analysis of Internet texts in Korean,” which contributed to the accumulation scientific material that can be used in a dissertation.