Prospects for cooperation between universities of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan under the Erasmus+ 

8 april, 2024

On April 8, 2024, a leadership lecture was held for teaching staff and students of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management on the topic "Prospects for cooperation between universities of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan under the Erasmus+ program for increasing the potential of higher educational institutions." The organizer of the leadership lecture is the UNESCO Department for Sustainable Development of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The lecture was conducted by the candidate of physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor of the Nukus branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Tureniyazova Asiya Ibragimovna. During the leadership lecture, the audience was introduced to information about the priorities and partners of Erasmus+, about programs that can be used to study at universities in European countries: International credit mobility, Erasmus+ Call 2024, Jean Monnet Actions, Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters, etc. At the end of the meeting, the organizers and listeners thanked the lecturer for a informative report on the improvement program the potential of Erasmus+ higher educational institutions.