8 april, 2024

On April 05, in honor of the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and within the framework of SDG - 4, the next international conference of young scientists and students "FARABI ALEMI" was held at the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology Faculty. Students from higher educational institutions of the section "Modern problems of criminal law, penal enforcement and criminology"heard the work of young scientists on solving modern scientific problems. As part of the conference committee, PhD, Professor G. M. Atakhanova, PhD, Associate Professor M. K. Bisenova, PhD, Associate Professor K. Aratuly and PhD, Associate Professor A. Ergali identified talented young people and gave real assessments of their creative activity. The competition commission, having comprehensively reviewed the research work of students, offers the best work for awarding: 1- work was awarded with a diploma of the I degree, 2- work was awarded with a diploma of the II degree, 3 -Work was awarded with a diploma of the III degree.