Socio-economic threats of ludomania in society
In accordance with the 3rd goal of the SDGs, senior teachers of the Department of Economics G.K. Ilyashova and E.M. Zholamanov held an open curatorial hour on April 4, 2024 in order to pre-inform students to ensure a prosperous and safe life, about the dangers possible today, including threats to the life of gambling in society, its socio-economic consequences.
The participants of the event - students of the 2-3 courses of the specialty "6B04109 – Digital Economy" learned a lot about the threat of gambling: ludomania is a pathological gambling passion that plays a dominant role in human life from a negative point of view, leading to a decrease in social, professional, material and family values.
The open curatorial hour contributed to a deep understanding of the socio-economic challenges of this ludomania and discussed the likelihood of these problems and ways to prevent them as a preventive measure for world knowledge.