"Getting to know the holy places of Almaty"

7 april, 2024


07 April 2024

Excursion to the Zhambyl Museum is a historical and cultural institution located in the village of Zhambyl, Almaty region. The Zhambyl Museum was built in 1946 in the house where the great poet of the Kazakh people, Zhambyl Zhabayev, lived. was organized. 1st-year students of Religious Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science and senior teacher of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies Tungatova Ulzhan Askarbayevna, along with 1st-year graduate students Kadyr Ilyas and Lesbek Ayat, visited this museum. The museum displays monuments, works of art, cultural values, etc. saw the heritage, took spiritual food and rested. As a scientific institution that contributes to the formation of science, education, and culture, the museum contributes to the education of the younger generation and the formation of historical consciousness.