From April 4 to April 6, 2024, in honor of the 90th anniversaryof the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, an internationalscientific conference of students and young scientists “FarabiAlemi” was hold.
In the section “Sustainable Development Management: Balanceof Business and State,” moderated by the “ManagementDepartment” of the Higher School of Economics and Business, the total participants number is 72, including 5 - from foreignuniversities, 8 - from other Kazakhstani universities.
The commission summed up the results and announced thewinners of “Management Department” section as follow:
Diploma of the 1st degree:
- Sansyzbay Samal Samatovna. Supervisor - Zhainazar A. Zh.
Diplomas of the 2nd degree:
- Netilla Dauren Serikovich. Supervisor - Taszharganov S.I.
- Abilbasharova Sabina Sayasatovna. Supervisor - Abraliev O. A.
Diplomas of the third degree:
- Vasilyeva Violetta Sergeevna, Pryadeina Alena Sergeevna. Supervisor - Makunina I. V.
- Nasyrova Nargiz Kairatovna. Supervisor - Taszharganov S.I.
- Bazhaeva Dilnaz Asetovna. Supervisor - Sokira T.S.
The following participants were awarded in various categories:
1. For the best report – Mukhambetalieva DianaTorakhmetovna. Supervisor - Taszharganov S.I.
2. For the relevance of the research topic - Khosrovlu FikretIsrael oglu. Supervisor - Gurbanov N.G.
3. For the innovative approach – Alena Valerievna Polenova, Valeria Valerievna Polenova. Supervisor - Makunina I. V.
4. For a creative approach - Shchepotin Alexander Sergeevich. Scientific supervisor - Makunina I. V.
5. For the applied aspect of the research topic - SaxobiddinovaNilufarxon Kamoliddinqizi. Supervisor - Radjabova G.U.
6. For a high level of research - Makat Nurlat Nygymetovich. Supervisor - Taszharganov S.I.
7. For the scale of the research topic - Babangida AbdullahiSabiu. Supervisor - Turebekova B. O.
Congratulations to the winners!
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