workshop was held on the topic: “Digital transformation of marketing and communications.”

11 april, 2024

The process of development of digital technologies is proceeding at an incredible pace at the present stage. There have been significant changes in the consciousness and life of people around the world, a new reality has emerged, a new virtual world in which we spend a significant part of our time. At the same time, information received from experienced masters of their craft, as well as highly qualified specialists who are fluent in their profession, is especially valuable 

On April 9, 2024, in the HSE&B building, as part of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “PARADIGM OF SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UNDER GLOBAL CHANGES: CHALLENGES, CONSEQUENCES, OPPORTUNITIES,” a workshop was held on the topic: “Digital transformation of marketing and communications.”

ROSHONOK ALEXEY EDUARDOVICH – Digital Strategic Director of the Company Rating Point in affiliation with Essence Mediacom presented the use in marketing of such technological solutions as artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, virtual and augmented reality, computer vision and neuromarketing.

Students and teachers of the Department of Business Technologies gained new knowledge and revealed their creative potential.