Prevention of juvenile delinquency

11 april, 2024

On 04/09/2024, the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Criminalistics of the Faculty of Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, members of the Adilet Club, students of 408 groups held a round table on the topic "Prevention of juvenile delinquency" within the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals "Peace, Justice and effective Goals".

Moderator: Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Criminalistics, head of the Adilet Club G. M. Atakhanova: prevention of juvenile delinquency is an important aspect of crime prevention in society. By participating in legitimate, socially useful activities, forming moral views on society and life, she explained the principles according to which young people can be educated on principles that exclude criminal activity.

The speakers of the round table made presentations: members of the Adilet club: Boriskyzy Gulim, Ibragimova Gyuzal, Olzhasuly Yeraulet.

The purpose of the round table: high-quality education, education of an honest generation, a successful nation, awareness of the value of truth. In order for the prevention of juvenile delinquency to be effective, the formation of the harmonious development of adolescents through respect for their personality and stimulation of its formation from an early age.