About the republican competition “Youth Initiatives” in the KazNUxTalk format

31 march, 2024

The “Youth Initiatives” competition dedicated to the 4th global Sustainable Development Goal and the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was organized by the department of “Pedagogy and Educational Management”. The competition is aimed at improving school and university education, developing social partnership in education, and introducing school and management changes.

The competition was held from January 3 to March 31, 2024 among young and talented undergraduate students, providing an opportunity to demonstrate their innovative ideas and projects aimed at improving the quality of education.

Participants sent their projects in the form of a detailed description, including goals, objectives, concept, implementation plan, and expected results. Applications were accepted on the official website of the competition htps//projectyouth.kz. Recommendations and progress of the competition were reflected on instagram: @kaznu_project, tik-tok: kaznu_project pages of the Competition. All pages were supported by undergraduates majoring in «Pedagogy. Management in Education» on a volunteer basis.

Based on the results of the competition, an expert commission selects the best design solutions from students. And students nominated for prizes and monetary rewards will present their design solutions at KazNUxTalk on April 11, 2024 in the library of KazNU named after. al-Farabi. The prize fund is 150 thousand tenge and valuable prizes from the teaching staff of the department and sponsors.