Guest lecture by the Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Almaty, Pak Naechon, on the topic “Relations between South Korea and Kazakhstan in the light of the development of Korea”

12 april, 2024

Al-Farabi KazNU hosted a public lecture by the Consul General of the Republic of Korea, Mr. Park Naechon.

The Department of Oriental studies under the guidance of the visiting professor Lee Byong Jo and the head of the department Abagan A.B. with the support of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Almaty was organized a meeting between the Consul General Mr. Pak Necheon and students of the Department of the Far East, where the Consul General delivered a public lecture on topics: “Relations between South Korea and Kazakhstan in the light of the development of Korea”. At the lecture, the Consul General of Korea told students about the economic development model of Korea, told students about international relations between Kazakhstan and Korea at present and in conclusion finished by Q&A. It should be noted that the meeting took place with the support of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Almaty.

Director of the Department of International Cooperation of Internationalization Dzhakubaeva Saltanat Toleuovna expressed her gratitude and spoke about the university’s cooperation with foreign universities and organizations. She noted that every year the Far East Department sends more than 20 students per semester to Korean universities under the academic mobility program.

In turn, the dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazNU Natalya Yem, expressing gratitude, presented a letter of gratitude on behalf of the rector of KazNU.

Moreover, within the framework of the consular hour, students of KazNU prepared musician performance and reading a poem in Korean languages. At the end of the meeting, the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Almaty organized a joint tasting of Korean cuisine.

It is worth noting as a result of the expanded strategic partnership between two countries in the field of science and education, students and faculty of KazNU are given the opportunity to receive scholarships from organizations such as the Korean Foundation, participate in research projects, internships for undergraduates and improve qualifications for professors in Korean universities.

Senior Lecturer, Department of Far East

Sermukhametova Bagzhan Beibitovna