Charity event «Warm heart-generous hand».

9 april, 2024

      One of the kindest things in a person's life is to take care of those in need. Comforting crying and loving stumbling is a noble quality that is in our blood. Especially in the younger generation, the incessant presence of such moral qualities can delight the soul and delight the eyes. 
     On 09/04/2024, at the suggestion of the students of the ISK - 111 group, with the support of parents, under the guidance of the curator of the group Ergali D., the students of the group visited the house of a sincere soul in need of kindness, on the eve of the «Ait» holiday they provided financial assistance, provided food and were satisfied. 
      If you can do good, you can give joy, why not lend a helping hand?! And so, with such a heated discussion, the students, who were pleased that they were able to give the family at least a little joy, decided that they wanted to do something else good. This was the main purpose of the event.