Professor of the Department Turksoy Kurmanali Altynshash Arystanbekkyzy was awarded with the Medal "For Merits in the Development of Science"

15 april, 2024

On April 11, 2024, at the solemn ceremony, organized in the framework of III International Farabi Forum PhD, Professor of the Department Turksoy Kurmanali Altynshash Arystanbekkyzy was awarded with the Medal "For Merits in the Development of Science" by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for her outstanding contribution to the field of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

     The award was presented by the Chairman of the Board-Rector of Al Farabi Kazakh National University, doctor of philological sciences, professor Zh. K. Tuimebayev.

      The staff of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al Farabi Kazakh National

University congratulates Kurmanali Altynshash Arystanbekkyzy on her award and wishes her good health, family well-being and further achievements!