Dialogue with writer Elena Klepikova

11 april, 2024

On April 11, 2024, the  undergraduates of the Department  of Russian Philology and World Literature,  Junisbek Didar and Artykbaeva Dilnaz held a round table discussion:  "Dialogue with writer Elena Klepikova"  together with  Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature,  E.T. Kakilbaeva. There was a conversation about the writer's books and the secrets of her creative laboratory, about new ideas and projects. The third  year students of  Russian Language and Literature and Russian Philology majors,  master's degree students  and PhD students who participated in the meeting asked questions about the works by  Elena Klepikova, were interested in her creative plans, and talked about their attempts to create texts. Moderators Didar and Dilnaz prepared a video presentation about the writer's work. Elena Klepikova talked in detail about the creative process of this or that work, shared her ideas and plans, presented autographed books to the audience. The communication was informal, lively and trusting, which corresponded to the main idea of the meeting, stated at the very beginning: "The greatest luxury is the luxury of human communication" (Antoine de Saint–Exupery).