Global Media and Information Literacy Week

29 march, 2024

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action for all countries - poor, rich and middle-developed. It aims to improve well-being and protect our planet. States recognize that efforts to eradicate poverty must go hand in hand with efforts to boost economic growth and address a range of issues in education, health, social protection and employment, as well as combating climate change and protecting the environment.

   Getting an education lays the foundation for improving people's socio-economic conditions and plays a key role in achieving a path out of poverty. Over the past decade, significant strides have been made in expanding access to education and increasing school enrollment at all levels, in particular for girls. Despite this, some 260 million children were still out of school in 2018, representing almost a fifth of the world's population in this age group. In addition, more than half of all children and adolescents worldwide do not meet minimum proficiency standards in reading and mathematics.

   In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the world, most countries announced temporary school closures, affecting more than 91% of students worldwide. By April 2020, approximately 1.6 billion children and young people were out of school. And nearly 369 million children who rely on school meals have been forced to seek other sources of daily nutrition.

   Never before have so many children been excluded from school at the same time, disrupting learning and upending lives, especially among the most vulnerable and marginalized groups. The global pandemic has far-reaching consequences that could threaten hard-won gains in improving global education.

   The goal is to develop the necessary competencies for the safe use of means of communication, self-expression, formation of their own worldview, to help them develop the ability to learn and learn throughout their lives.

   In all medical institutions today you can see various information display systems: displays, monitoring systems, video walls, projection technologies. Depending on the room in which the display system is installed, its tasks may vary. For example, a display in a clinic lobby may display doctors' schedules, while a monitor in a doctor's waiting room may show the results of medical tests. A unique Damumed application is also used for patients

   The main didactic unit of an educational media product is an audiovisual image. In a technical sense, this is digitized data on a medium, reproduced on the screen in the form of recognizable images of the objects being studied. In the psychological and pedagogical sense, it is a sensory form of presentation of educational content, a screen-mediated presentation of the subjective reflection of the objective reality being studied. In this sense, the main task of creating an audiovisual image is to help students, in the process of perception and thinking, create a visual image of the phenomenon being studied, that is, simple and understandable.

   Modern man lives in conditions that require high professionalism and significant intellectual effort to make the right decisions in various life and work situations. This leads to fairly high requirements for graduates of educational institutions. Therefore, all participants in the educational process face the problem of improving the quality of education. How to evaluate this quality? This is how we come to assessment, control and other things related to measurements (comparisons).

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