World Kidney Day 2024: "Delaying Dialysis - It's Possible!"

15 march, 2024

Every second Thursday of March, the world observes World Kidney Day. In Almaty, on March 14-15, 2024y. a scientific-practical conference titled "Delaying Dialysis - It's Possible!" was held as part of the World Kidney Day initiative. The main aim of this event was to raise awareness among the population and primary healthcare providers about the early detection of chronic kidney disease. The theme for World Kidney Day 2024 is "Ensuring Equal Access to Care and Optimal Medical Practice," which also corresponds to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 3. From Al-Farabi Kazakh National University acting ass. prof. of the Department of Health Policy and Organization A.M. Balmukhanova participated in the conference and presented the report titled "DAPA-CKD: New Horizons in the Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease." The report focused on the results of a large-scale randomized clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of SGLT2 inhibitors.

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