17 april, 2024

1. Name of the organizer:

NJSC "Al-Farabi Kazakh National University" announces a competition to attract an Investor-Partner for the construction of dormitories with subsequent reimbursement of investments under the program of JSC "Financial Center" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The total number of required beds is 6,000. Number of floors – basement, 9 above-ground floors, technical floor.


2. Conditions and procedure for the competition:

The conditions and procedure for the competition are regulated by the “Regulations on the procedure for identifying a potential investor” for the construction and reconstruction of facilities of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University NJSC. The application form for participation in the competition is posted on the Company’s website.


3. Qualification requirements for the competition participant:

To participate in the competition to determine the Investor-Partner, a potential investor must meet the following general qualification requirements:

3.1. have legal capacity;

3.2. be solvent, not have a tax debt exceeding six times the monthly calculation index established for the corresponding financial year by the law on the republican budget and valid as of January 1 of the corresponding financial year;

3.3. have the financial and (or) material and (or) labor resources necessary to fulfill obligations under the contract;

3.4. not be subject to bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, its property, the book value of which exceeds ten percent of the value of the corresponding fixed assets, should not be seized, its financial and economic activities should not be suspended in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3.5. founders and managers of a potential investor should not be included in the list of organizations and persons associated with the financing of terrorism and extremism in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3.6. should not be included in the register of unscrupulous participants in public procurement;

3.7. have own funds amounting to at least eighty percent of the cost of the construction or reconstruction project.


4. Brief description of investment objects:

Item No.


*Total area of the building, sq.m.

*Area of land provided for construction, hectares

Construction period of buildings, month


Almaty, al-Farabi Ave. 71, university territory

In accordance with the draft and/or working draft

It will be determined within the framework of the preliminary design and planting of buildings



* - total area of the building (dormitory) sq. m, the area of the land plot for construction is approximate and will be adjusted after the development of design and estimate documentation for the construction of the hostel.


5. The intended purpose of the above objects is for the construction and operation of a student dormitory.


6. Date and place of the Competition (opening of envelopes submitted by participants): 11.00 o’clock, April 24, 2024, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, av. Al-Farabi 71, Rectorate Building.


7. Dates and place for accepting applications for participation in the competition:

Applications are accepted from April 17, 2024 to April 24, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, 71 al-Farabi Ave., Rectorate building, 13th floor, room 13- 14.


8. The construction period for the facility, including the development of design estimates, is:

18 (eighteen) months from the date of signing of the Consortium Agreement by the parties. An investor who has properly fulfilled his duties has, upon completion of construction, other things being equal, a preferential right over other persons to conclude an investment agreement for an additional facility.


9. List of documents required to participate in the Competition:

The following documents must be attached to the application of a potential investor:


9.1. confirming legal capacity and solvency:

1) originals or notarized copies of documents confirming the presence of money in accounts, property rights of a potential investor;

2) a letter of guarantee from the potential investor that he is solvent, is not subject to liquidation, his property has not been seized, his financial and economic activities have not been suspended, that he has not been held accountable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of his obligations under concluded agreements over the past three years on the basis of a court decision that has entered into legal force.

3) legal entities for which the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan establish a mandatory audit, also submit an audit report for the last financial year;

4) a legal entity submits a notarized copy of the charter, except for cases when the legal entity operates on the basis of a standard charter. Non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan submit a legalized extract from the trade register, notarized and translated into the state and (or) Russian languages;

5) certificate of registered legal entity, branch or representative office;

6) the original certificate of the bank or bank branch with the signature and seal in which the potential investor is served, confirming the absence of overdue debt for all types of obligations of the potential investor, lasting more than three months preceding the date of issue of the certificate, to the bank or bank branch in accordance with the Standard Chart of Accounts accounting in second-tier banks and mortgage companies, approved by the resolution of the board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If a potential investor is a client of several second-tier banks or branches, as well as a foreign bank, this certificate is submitted from each of such banks.

It is allowed to provide a credit report provided by a credit bureau in accordance with Article 29 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 6, 2004 “On credit bureaus and the formation of credit histories in the Republic of Kazakhstan.”

A bank certificate (or credit report) is issued no earlier than two months preceding the date of submission of documents to the organizer of the competition.

In case of participation in the competition by associations of individuals and (or) legal entities in the form of a simple partnership, the representative of the simple partnership, in addition to the documents established by the Rules to confirm the qualification requirements, additionally submits the following documents:

- a notarized copy of the agreement on joint activities;

- a notarized copy of the agreement on joint and several liability concluded between the members of the simple partnership;

- a notarized copy of the power of attorney for a representative of a simple partnership acting on his behalf to carry out negotiations and other activities within the framework of the competition.

Potential investors provide, at their discretion, documents confirming their compliance with the qualification requirements.

A potential non-resident investor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in confirmation of his compliance with the qualification requirements, submits the same documents as residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, or documents containing similar information about the qualifications of a potential potential non-resident investor of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a notarized translation into the languages of the competition documentation, as well as apostilled certificate of residence (unless otherwise provided by international treaty).


9.2. Confirming investment:

1) justification for investment signed by an authorized person and stamped - original;

2) technical specification signed by an authorized person and stamped - original;

3) work schedule (ten-day, containing information on the timing of each stage, starting from the date of conclusion of the agreement with the Company for the development of an investment facility) (Appendix 2) signed by an authorized person and sealed - original;

4) preliminary design of the facility proposed for construction - color copy.


9.3. Contacts:

Secretary of the competition commission – Kumatai Ayim Askarkyzy

Tel.: +7 727-377-33-30 (ext. 16-37).

Email address:


10. Requirements for filling out an application for participation in the competition and the documents attached to it:

10.1. Applications are accepted on paper in sealed, sealed envelopes.

10.2. Applications and accompanying documents submitted in unsealed and unsealed envelopes of the competition participant will not be accepted.

10.3. The documents specified in paragraph 9 of this Announcement must be numbered, bound, sealed and signed by the potential investor or an authorized person.

10.4. Applications for participation in the Competition and documents attached to it that do not meet the requirements specified in this Announcement and competition documentation are subject to rejection upon opening and do not participate in the Competition.

10.5. Conditions for the presence of representatives of competition participants when opening applications for participation in the competition (envelopes submitted by participants):

10.5.1. Participants of the competition, represented by authorized representatives, have the right to be present at the opening of applications for participation in the competition, subject to presentation of an identification document, a power of attorney to represent the interests of the participant or a document confirming the appointment to the position of the first manager of the participant.

10.6. To be present at the opening of applications for participation in the competition (envelopes submitted by participants), you must appear in advance (from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on April 24, 2023) and present to the secretary of the competition commission an identity card, a power of attorney or a document confirming your appointment to the position of the first manager of the participant.