Intellectual game "his game"

18 april, 2024

As part of the implementation of paragraph 4 of the Sustainable Development Goal "Quality Education" and the cycle of jubilee events "90 years-90 events" of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Faculty of Law on the eve of the anniversary of the lecturer S.S. Daubassova, held a webinar with students of group 305 within the framework of the 4th point of the Sustainable Development Goals Students organized an intellectual game called "Own game". In the game, students competed with each other, gaining points, choosing a cell and answering questions from five different categories. The first category is particularly dangerous criminals, the second category is logical issues, the third category is juvenile delinquency, the fourth category is female delinquency, the last category is corruption crime. The main goal of the webinar is to offer students creative ways of learning and put them into practice.