Partnerships for the Goals and Sustainable Development)

16 april, 2024

Deniella Orlova, a student of the 406th group, is undertaking an internship at the international Kazakhstani-German company RSP International LLP as a junior lawyer. Her role is focused on advancing SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals and Sustainable Development) under the supervision of her mentor lawyer, Tilegenova Didar.

In her capacity as a junior lawyer, Deniella likely undertakes various tasks related to providing legal support to the company's activities in the field of sustainable development and partnership. Her responsibilities may include researching and analyzing legal issues, drafting documents, participating in event preparation, and engaging with external stakeholders.

Under the guidance of Tilegenova Didar, she presumably receives direction and instructions for task execution, as well as feedback and advice on her work. This enables Deniella to develop and acquire experience in the field of jurisprudence and corporate affairs, specializing in sustainable development and partnership.