KazNU discussed methods of teaching Kazakh language

19 april, 2024

International scientific-practical conference "Potential of Kazakh language in XXI century: linguodidactics and innovations in teaching" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the scientist, candidate of philological sciences Kanshaim Karabayeva was held in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The event was attended by famous scientists, linguists, intellectuals from China, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and other countries, relatives of the teacher Kanshaim Karabayeva, her students, teachers and students of the university. During the conference the participants exchanged opinions on the potential of Kazakh language study in the XXI century, discussed issues on strengthening the work in this direction.

In connection with the 60th anniversary of Kanshaim Karabayeva, a congratulatory letter from the Dean of the Faculty of Philology Bayan Zholdasbekova and the Head of the Department of Kazakh Linguistics named after A.Baitursynov A.Baitursynov was read out. A.Baitursynov A.Amirov. "Kanshaim Abdutalipovna's works on Kazakh terminology, theory and methodology of teaching Kazakh language are valuable sources of knowledge. In 2011-13 she held the position of deputy head of the State Language Department of Science, Innovation and International Relations, in 2016 she worked on a contractual basis as director of the Center "Kazakhstan" at the Beijing Foreign Language University of the PRC and teacher of the Kazakh language. During this time she demonstrated her high organizational skills and manifested her scientific creative potential as a scientist. Kanshaim Karabayeva has made a great contribution to the development and prosperity of the Kazakh language," the congratulatory letter reads.

During the international conference reports were made by Dr. Dina Alkebayeva, professor of Kazakh linguistics chair named after A. Baitursynov, acting professor of Kazakh linguistics chair of ENU named after L.N. Gumilev Gulnara Mamaeva. A. Baitursynov Dina Alkebayeva, Acting Professor of Kazakh Linguistics Department of ENU named after L.N.Gumilev Gulnara Mamaeva, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Language and Literature named after Aitmatov Dinara Israilova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Ankara University. Dinara Israilova, doctor of historical sciences, professor of Ankara Haji Bayram Uali University Gulzhanat Kurmangalieva, Ph.D., associate professor of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata Shanzharkhan Bekmagambetov, Ph.D., associate professor of Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak Rashid Mukhitdinov and other scientists-experts.

At the conference devoted to the problems of linguistics in the modern world, scientific concepts and approaches reflecting the level of development of linguistics and linguodidactics, translation issues, scientific works devoted to the Kazakh language were highlighted.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University