SDG 3: Good Health And Well-Being

17 april, 2024

On April 16, the senior lecturer of the department "Artificial Intelligence and Big Data," Ormanbekova Ainur and a first-year student of the ISU 23-02 group conducted a curatorial hour on the topic "Implementation of the third sustainable development goal: the path to health and well-being." It was an engaging session that helped students grasp the importance of this goal and their role in achieving it. During the event, students discussed several key aspects, including:
The importance of health for society. They emphasized that health is not only the absence of disease but also a primary factor in societal development. Healthy individuals can actively participate in society, enhancing productivity and well-being.
Global health problems. Various challenges faced by countries worldwide were discussed, including the lack of access to healthcare, the spread of infectious diseases, and disparities in healthcare access.
Everyone's role in achieving the third goal. They underscored that each individual can contribute to goal attainment by leading a healthy lifestyle and actively engaging in social and health initiatives.
Ways to achieve the goal. Various strategies for accomplishing the third goal were explored, such as expanding healthcare access, implementing preventive measures, combating infectious diseases, and investing in health systems.
This lesson marked a significant step toward raising students' awareness of health issues and their readiness to actively participate in achieving the third goal. We are confident that the younger generation can bring innovative ideas and energy to the fight for a healthy future for all people.

Department of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data