A seminar on the healthy way of life was held in KazNU

19 april, 2024

At the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, qualified doctors of the City Clinical Hospital No. 7 held a seminar for students.


The seminar was attended by teachers and young people from Al-Farabi KazNU, Abay KazNPU, S. Asfendiyarov KazNMU, Korkyt Ata University, Women's Pedagogical University and other universities.

The seminar, dedicated to improving the quality of life of young people, is aimed at the realization of the UN Sustainable Development Goals "Good Health and Well-Being" and "Gender Equality".

KazNU Associate Professor Gulbanu Zhaksylykova, who spoke at the seminar, said: "Health is an invaluable asset not only for each individual, but also for the whole society. It is the main condition and guarantee of a full life", - she noted, having elaborated on 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

In turn, Nazym Zhumagulova, nephrologist, doctor of the first degree of the City Clinical Hospital No. 7, noted: "Our main goal is to urge our young people, who will take the reins of the country tomorrow, to get rid of tobacco, hookah smoking and other bad habits, and to inspire them that it is necessary to exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle," she said.

The speaker also talked in detail to the young people about proper nutrition, cleanliness, personal hygiene, influence of ecology on health, harm of carbonated drinks to human health and types of various diseases.

Medical psychologist of the National Scientific Center of Surgery named after A.N. Syzganov. Aigul Karamanova gave the students useful advice on how to get out of stress. She also shared her opinion on issues of gender equality, place of women and men in society, harmony in building relationships with friends. During the meeting the students had the opportunity to ask the qualified specialists the questions they were interested in. The seminar continued in the form of an exchange of opinions.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University