Scientific and innovative activity analyzed in KazNU

19 april, 2024

At the regular meeting of the Academic Council, scientists discussed the results of research and innovation activities of KazNU for 2023.

The report was made by a member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Zhamila Aitzhanova. Last year the university implemented 376 projects and the total amount of funding was 9,811.7 million tenge. The duration of many of them is calculated until 2025. 17 projects of young scientists "Zhas ғalym" are realized within the framework of grant financing of MNVO RK for 2023-2025. Thanks to realization of scientific projects in 2023 574 new jobs were created, 8 patents, 24 certificates of authorship were obtained. More than 1 billion tenge of taxes were paid to the state budget.

Last year, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University signed a number of important agreements on joint research and innovation projects, as well as cooperation with renowned foreign universities and institutes in the field of professional training, retraining and education of employees. The university has achieved significant results in its activities. For example, KazNU scientists won the project to create the first model factory of Industry 4.0 in Central Asia, the presentation of the Kazakh-English and English-Kazakh dictionary Oxford Qazaq Dictionary took place for the first time. This project was initiated by the President of RK Kasym-Jomart Tokayev. Scientists of the International Society "Kazak tili", the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov, the Company "A. Baitursynov", the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov, the Company "A. Baitursynov" and the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov participated in the publication of the book. A. Baitursynov, Freedom Holding Company and Al-Farabi KazNU.

In 2023 scientific journals of Al-Farabi KazNU were included in the international DB Scopus. In 2023 teachers and scientists of KazNU published 629 articles in the journals recommended by COCKSNVO MNVO RK. According to the share and number of citations in the Scopus database for last year, the leading faculties are: Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Biology and Biotechnology, Physics and Technology.

In her speech, the Rector also provided information on the education and certification of scientific personnel. The University has 1089 doctoral students, and in 2023 410 of them have passed scientific internships. The rector also mentioned the publication activity of the graduates of the class of 2023. They have published 222 articles in Scopus and Web of Science databases. 82 (26%) publications with foreign consultants. The speaker also spoke in detail about the strategic goals of the Research University for 2024.

The Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Alina Galeeva acted as a co-rapporteur on the results of research and innovation activities of KazNU.

In turn, Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev drew the scientists' attention to the key issues that need to be considered for the successful continuation and implementation of scientific and innovative activities in the university. The rector gave the scientists the task to determine the necessary direction and resources for research work, which will be a special priority for the university as a whole, as well as to analyze all the steps and opportunities for partnership for further improvement of work on the result.

Then the questions on the implementation of the indicators of the questionnaire "On the evaluation of the activities of the structural units of the university from the point of view of the administrative staff of the faculties" were considered. Galymzhan Sariev, Director of the Department of IT Infrastructure Development, also spoke about the portal of applications for events and answered questions.

At the end, Sara Permakhan, senior methodologist of the Confucius Institute at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Rakhimzhan Asylbekov, director of the Confucius Institute, candidate of philological sciences, Zhania Abdiman, deputy director of the Department of International Cooperation and Internationalization, Almaz Gauhar, head of the commercialization office, were awarded certificates "Ambassador of Friendship and Cultural Exchange" of the Northwestern University of Political Science and Law. Mukammetkhanuly Nabizhan, Professor of Chinese Studies, Doctor of Historical Sciences, received the title of Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University