“Do we need to make investments in education?”

19 april, 2024

On April 19,  2024, the senior lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology,  Muldagaliyeva A.A., Makhmetova D.M., Zhirenshina K.A., Lugovskaiya E.I., Nesspibayeva Z.A. and Alipbayeva Gulmira Omirbekkyzy ( South-Kazakhstan Academy of Medicine)   held the online  educational event on the topic: “Do we need to make investments in education?” on Microsoft Teams platform within the framework of Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education” and Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s  Nation Address: Economic Course of Just Kazakhstan”. The 1st year  bachelor’s degree  students studying at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, South-Kazakhstan Academy of Medicine, Kualu Lumpur University (Malaysia), RUDN (Russia), Moscow International University (Russia) and Czech Technical University (the Czech Republic)  took part in this event.  


During the event the participants told about the main challenges which modern university education face today and proposed the ways how to solve them. Each of the participants shared his/her own university-studying  experience and spoke about the problems faced by them in the process of training. The students studying at foreign universities talked about the pros and cons of abroad studying. The students prepared their presentation as short stories about their student’s life which told about  their hobbies, studies, specialty,   educational opportunities at other universities and future perspectives offered by their university degree. Each student was able to skillfully present his/her topic in an interesting and informative way.

    Then the participants watched the video made by the 1st year master’s degree students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The video was made as an interview among the master’s degree students about the necessity of making investments in education. The master’s degree students answered questions in Russian and English. After that the students proposed their recommendations how to improve the educational process at universities of our country.  It should be noted that during their speeches they used grammar constructions and vocabulary learned by them in the English language classroom during the semester within the study program on the discipline: “Foreign Language”.  The given event gave the students also an opportunity to demonstrate their language competence acquired at the lessons of Foreign Language at university.       
