SDG 4: round table "Babyrnama" and Kazakh spirituality"

16 april, 2024

04.04.2024 H.11.00 in the Al-Farabi library, in honor of the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, together with the club "Zhas Galym", created at the Al-Farabi library and the Department of pre-university training, organized a round table "Babyrnama"and Kazakh spirituality". Purpose: to promote the historical heritage of the Kazakhs to the students of the University. At this event, held within the framework of the goals of sustainable development of quality education (SDGs 4), the work of Zazir ad-Din Babyr "Babyrnama" in the library fund was presented and its role in the science and literature of the history of Kazakhstan was considered in detail. Within the framework of the round table, researchers, scientists and librarians exchanged views, asked questionnaires and received answers to their most pressing questions.