18 april, 2024

On April 18, 2024,Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Philology, Department of Kazakh Literature and Literary Theory, on April 18, 2024, intensively conducted career guidance work at secondary school No. 189 in Bostandyk district of Almaty.
The purpose of career guidance is to make  school graduates, employers and teachers of the Kazakh language and literature acquainted with the educational programs of the majors: "6B01701–Kazakh language and literature", "6B02304–Literary studies", to  listen to employers' proposals on educational programs and to  determne requests for a specialty. Employers also showed  an  interest in educational programs, shared their thoughts and made suggestions. During the meeting, comprehensive answers were given to topical questions from graduates and subject teachers.
The head of the Department of Kazakh Literature and Literary Theory, Ph.D., Professor Alua Berikbayevna Temirbolat talked about the majors  of the faculty and  "6B02304– Literary Studies" major. She described in detail the study of this specialty in two languages (Kazakh, Russian), gave rational answers to the pupils'  questions. In addition, students who are fluent in English will have the opportunity to study abroad as part of a double-degree program.
The lecturer of the department, Ph.D., acting Professor Bolathan Sarbasov told about  the history of the Kazakh National University, research societies  and museum work. He told   the pupils  about the thematic lecture halls of the faculty, the library of the Farabi University and the Scientific Library Fund, electronic textbooks and websites.
At the end of the meeting, the issue of   "Kazakh University" paper published by Kazakh National University was presented  to the schoolchildren. Al-Farabi and the graduates were invited to study at the university.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is one of the prestigious educational institutions with a 90-year history. Today, sixteen faculties of the university train teachers and scientific specialists in several majors. Graduates of the university successfully work in secondary schools, special educational institutions of the country and other socio-social spheres.