Chinese Consulate awarde KazNU scientists

22 april, 2024

The Chinese Consulate in Almaty presented the award to teachers of Chinese language and culture and scholars of Chinese studies at the Department of Chinese Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

The award ceremony took place within the framework of the "Chinese Classical Poetry Evening". The event was organized by the Chinese Consulate in Almaty together with the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay on the occasion of the International Day of Chinese Language.

Students and pupils of Chinese language in educational institutions of Almaty read extracts from masterpieces of Chinese poetry. The poem that most fully and beautifully reflected the beauty of Chinese language and poetry enchanted the audience and created a special poetic mood among the listeners.

The award ceremony "For Contribution to the Development of Chinese Language and Culture" was held within the framework of an important and significant cultural event. Professors of the Chinese Department of the Oriental Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi - F. Orazakynkyzy, E. Kerimbaev, D. Dauen received the award "For Contribution to the Development of Chinese Language and Culture". Professors N. Aldabek and N. Mukhametkhanuly received the award "For services to Chinese language and culture".





Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University