KazNU strengthens ties with British universities

23 april, 2024

A delegation of British universities visited the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University  to establish partnership in the development of science and education.

The delegation included representatives from the following universities United Kingdom - Abertay University, Ulster University, London South Bank University, Queen Margaret University, Ireland - University of Limerick, Australia - Charles Sturt University, Canada - Niagara College, Saskatchewan Polytechnic and others.

The honored guests got acquainted with the museum and campus of the university, as well as met with the university management, discussing the prospects of mutually beneficial cooperation.

The delegation was welcomed by a member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Operations Yerkin Duisenov. He familiarized the representatives of the UK universities with the activities and achievements of Al-Farabi KazNU.

Al-Farabi KazNU has established close ties with institutes, universities of Great Britain in the field of science, higher education and cultural interaction. In particular, between the University and universities of Great Britain 11 agreements have been concluded, in particular, with Lancaster University, London School of Business and Finance, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), University of Birmingham, Edinburgh Business School, Middlesex University, University of Oxford and others. Over the past three years, 200 doctoral students and 25 university lecturers have visited the UK for research work as part of outbound mobility. 

In addition to the exchange of students, internships, within the framework of the program "Attracting foreign specialists to universities of Kazakhstan", KazNU has attracted three professors to give lectures and carry out scientific supervision of PhD doctoral students for 2022. "Joint research projects and supervision of doctoral students are the key components of cooperation between KazNU and UK universities. In order to develop this direction of cooperation, the governments of both countries have developed the Partnership Program "Newton Al Farabi", which contributes to strengthening the scientific potential of the parties", - emphasized in his speech the Vice-Rector.

In turn, Gintaras Steponavicius, CCG Director for Central and Eastern Europe, Ukraine, Caucasus and Central Asia, spoke about the CCG's activities in establishing and developing links between universities around the world, and introduced colleagues - representatives of UK universities.

The delegates told about the higher education institutions and outlined the areas of cooperation in which they are interested. In particular, these are: search for partners for doctoral (PhD) programs, internships, "Bolashak", establishment of interaction with universities for the development of bachelor's and master's degree programs using different models of implementation (microcampus, joint implementation of full-time/online/hybrid, double degree programs, franchise, partnership, association), implementation of joint research projects, etc.


Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University