Business technology trends in education: results of the expert sessionFarabi University

Business technology trends in education: results of the expert session

24 april, 2024

On February 21-22, 2024, the al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted an expert strategic session dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the university. The event brought together leading specialists, scientists and experts to discuss current trends in the development of higher education and science.

One of the speakers of the session was S.K. Akhmetkalieva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Acting docent of the Department of «Business - technology» at the Higher School of Economics and Business. The report of the presentation was devoted to modern trends in the field of education on the topic: «Modern trends in business technologies in the system of continuing education in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals - 4: Quality education».

Akhmetkaliev S.K.'s presentation provides an overview of key research trends in the field of business technologies and their impact on the modern system of continuing education. The speaker's speech aroused great interest among the participants of the session and stimulated an active discussion of the prospects for the development of education and science in Kazakhstan.

The expert strategic session became an important event in the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the university, brought together leading experts and scientists to share experiences and ideas on the further development of education and science in the country.


Akhmetkalieva S. K., Candidate of Technical Sciences, acting docent

Higher School of Economics and Business