“Decent work and economic growth”

25 april, 2024


      In 2017, the global unemployment rate was 5.6 percent, and in 2000 it was 6.4 percent.
     According to 2016 data, 61 percent of all workers in the world work in the informal economy. Without taking into account the agricultural sector, this figure is 51 percent.In 40 of the 45 countries for which data is available, men earn 12.5 percent more than women.   Globally, women earn 23 percent less than men. It will take 68 years to close this gap. At the same time, women's employment is 63 percent, and men's - 94 percent.Despite women's increasing participation in public life, they are 2.6 times more likely to carry out unpaid housework than men. Between 2016 and 2030, 470 million jobs will be needed for new entrants into the global labor market.