KazNU analyzed the works of Turkicologist Edkham Tenishev

25 april, 2024

Al-Farabi KazNU hosts the international scientific conference "E. Tenishev Space: Turkology and Life in Science" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU. It was attended by 80 scientists from Kazakhstan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and other countries.


During the conference the scientists discussed scientific-theoretical, comparative-historical, comparative studies, ideas and achievements of the famous orientalist-turkologist E.R.Tenishev and defined the trajectory of international scientific cooperation of Turkologists, Mongolologists and orientalists. 

Zhamila Aitzhanova, member of the Board of Directors, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities, speaking at the opening of the conference, noted the importance of this event.

Today the Turkic world celebrates the 100th anniversary of the greatest Turkic linguist, doctor of philological sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, Mongolianist Edkham Rakhimovich Tenishev. He is one of the prominent scholars of Turkology, a researcher who opened his own school of Turkology.

"Edkham Rakhimovich Tenishev is a scientist who offered a new view on the study of the nature of artifacts of runic writing, pra-language, basic principles of territorial, genetic classification. E. Tenishev is a bright star of Soviet Turkology, the first Altaiist among Tatar Turkologists, a person who introduced to the world ancient Uigur, Salar ancient inscriptions, brought ancient Turkic monuments closer to the world intellectual portal", - said Vice-Rector Zh. Aitzhanova. Prof. Edkham Tenishev is the author of more than 200 research works, including about 15 scientific monographs, dictionaries, textbooks for students of higher educational institutions. He has graduated 20 Doctors of Sciences and 30 Candidates of Sciences.

As the conference participants noted, the name of Turkicologist Edkham Tenishev is widely known in the world of scholars of the Turkic world. "The outstanding scientist analyzed the texts of ancient Turkic books and proved that in the VI-VIII centuries the language of the monuments of Orkhon-Yenisey and Talas was a common written language of the Oguz, Kipchak, Uigur, Karluk tribes living in Semirechye, Altai, Central Asia. The scientist proposed the term "artificial written language", - said in her speech the dean of philological faculty of KazNU Bayan Zholdasbekova.  

During the conference were heard reports: the director of the Eurasian Center for Organization and Research "Farabi" at Istanbul University, Professor Abdullah Kizilzhyk (Turkey), Professor of the Uzbek State University of World Languages (Uzbekistan) Dusmamat Kulmamatov, an expert of the International Turkic Academy, Dr. PhD Nurdin Useev (Kyrgyzstan), President of the Association of Turkologists of the USA, Professor Yulai Shamilogly, Rector of the International Taraz Innovation Institute, Professor Yerbolat Saurykov, and others.

During the plenary session to the 90th anniversary of the founding of KazNU was the presentation of nine books of the series "90 Years of Success". Among them: "Official-business language: Kazakh-Russian dictionary of combinability" (E.D.Sүleimenova, A.M.Aldash, K.S.Aldasheva), "Problems of anlaut lip consonants in the Altai languages. Revision of the Ramstedt-Pellio phonetic law" (J.K.Tüymebaev), "Experience of studying Turkic languages" (A.S.Amanzholov), "Türki tilderi leksikasy damuynynyң phonologialylyk zhdylyktary" (B.S.Sagyndykov), "Türki tilderi leksikasy damuynin phonologiyalyk zandylyktary" (B.S.Sagyndykov). S.Sagyndykov), "Anthology of Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan", "Philology facultyinin tylekteri: akyndar men zhazushylar 1-2 vol, "Philology Faculty - soz onerinin altyn besigi" (B.U.Joldasbekova), "Phraseosemantics" (R.A.Avakov), collective monograph "Teaching foreign languages in the Kazakhstani contemporary educational paradigm".


The conference continued with panel sections, it will last two days. As a result, scientists will consider mechanisms for developing the research potential of young scientists, ways to create conditions for increasing scientific interest in traditional and debatable aspects of research in the field of Turkology and Tenish Studies. A collection of speeches, reports of the conference participants will be published, organized by the Department of Turkology and Language Theory of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University