KazNU supports "green" initiatives

25 april, 2024

X anniversary international youth forum "Green Bridge - from generation to generation" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the university started in Al-Farabi KazNU.  

During its existence, the Green Bridge - Generation to Generation Forum has become a real international dialog platform where young scientists and students discuss current trends in promoting green initiatives and the results of Earth and environmental sciences research. The topical theme of the event is in line with the strategy of sustainable development.

At the opening ceremony of the forum participants and guests were welcomed by the member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Al-Farabi KazNU, Professor Altay Kazmagambetov. "International Youth Forum of KazNU "Green Bridge - from generation to generation" is a very important initiative for our university.  The idea of its organization goes back to the Millennium Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 2012. Al-Farabi KazNU is the only one of the CIS countries that received the right to hold a separate section at the summit. - emphasized the Vice-Rector. - The ideology of the forum is based on the global goals of the UN on sustainable development and is aimed at the formation of conscious responsibility of the young generation for the future of the entire planet".

Representative of the UN Department of Global Communications in Almaty Vlastimil Samek in his speech noted the importance of the forum. "For many years, topical and important topics have been discussed in the format of the "Green Bridge". I would like to express my gratitude for the fact that you support this movement, moving forward towards the successful achievement of sustainable development goals".

The meeting was also addressed by: an expert of the Public Chamber of the Majilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, a participant of the Climate Summit Aizhan Skakova, President of XCSS-CROSS COUNTRY SKIING SAND Estelle Payne (France), Executive Director of CAREC Zafar Mahmudov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise Rustem Manatbaev, Deputy Director of the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography Jilili Abduwaili (China) and others.

The partners of the UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development from abroad congratulated the participants on the significant event in an online format. A video was shown about the history of the origin and development of the forum "Green Bridge - from generation to generation", which united government agencies, industry, and the public of different generations in solving urgent environmental problems of our planet.

The Forum will continue its work within the framework of plenary and breakout sessions in the following areas: "Modern climate change, environmental sustainability of geosystems and life safety", "Geoinformation mapping and modeling of geosystems to solve problems of geography, land management and cadastre", "Sustainable tourism and hospitality: science, practice, initiatives", "Green PR for sustainable future" and others.

Students, master's students, doctoral students and young scientists take an active part in the work of the forum.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University