Quality education

26 april, 2024

    As part of a collective prayer in the Baiken mosque in the Bostandyk district of Almaty, at the invitation of the chief imam Bolatbek Ulaskanuly, a representative of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan spoke about the importance of quality education and literacy as the main requirement of Islam and as the 4th goal and basis for the sustainable development of the modern state. It was also attended by Associate Professor of the Department of Financial, Customs and Environmental Law of the Al-Farabi KazNU, Candidate of Law Sciences Zh.M. Amanzholov. In his speech, the representative of the clergy emphasized: it is necessary that the value of scientific knowledge, quality education and through them the formation of a good personality become the natural basis of our society. According to the Holy Quran, continuous acquisition of knowledge is one of the most important functions of a person, which affects all areas of his life. At the end of the meeting with the Jamaat, a dua (plea) was made with the wish that education in Kazakhstan always implies upbringing, development of abilities, training in knowledge, respect and ethical standards.