Al-Farabi Business School collaborates with a Korean hospital

26 april, 2024

Business School of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Bundang Jeasaeng General Hospital signed a memorandum on the development of joint educational programs in the field of health care.


In KazNU there was a meeting of the management of Al-Farabi Business School with the leading hospital of South Korea Bundang Jeasaeng General Hospital to sign a memorandum of cooperation. The parties discussed the prospects for the development of joint programs, including field modules and internships within the EMBA program in healthcare.

Both sides expressed their willingness to create and implement innovative programs that contribute to the development of healthcare. The signing of the memorandum is the beginning of active cooperation between the parties. This cooperation will have a positive impact not only on the careers of Al-Farabi Business School students, but also on the healthcare sector of the country.

South Korea has a leading position in the field of medical development and has achieved significant results, so the exchange of experience is a valuable asset for the participants of the training.

Within the framework of cooperation it is planned to study the latest technologies and modern approaches in educational programs of Bundang Jeasaeng General Hospital with the purpose of their further implementation in the health care system of Kazakhstan.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University