Leadership Lecture on Combating Climate Change: A View from Researchers at the University of Science and Technology of China

26 april, 2024

On April 25, 2024, the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, within the framework of “SDG 13 - Combating Climate Change”, hosted a leadership lecture by Professor Gaopeng Lu from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Prof. Gaopeng Lu presented his university's core research areas in Atmospheric and Earth Sciences, which are important for finding solutions and understanding climate change processes.

Prof. Yi Ran, discussed opportunities for USTC-based internships and participation in Summer and Winter Schools for undergraduate and graduate students. These programs play a key role in preparing skilled professionals who can effectively cope with the challenges of climate change.

Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management, Aliya Aktymbaeva, presented the scientific directions of the faculty and current research projects, which are aimed at studying and combating climate change, including the development of sustainable methods of nature management and adaptation to climate change.

The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology reviewed and discussed with colleagues from China the possibilities of cooperation in combating climate change, including the organization of trainings and joint research projects. These dialogues offer new perspectives for collaborative efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including greenhouse gas emission reductions and climate change adaptation.

The event was an important step in developing academic ties between universities and offered students and teachers valuable insights and perspectives for future development, including in the context of combating climate change.