Curatorial hour

27 april, 2024

One of the pressing problems of our society is the fight against corruption. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides for criminal, administrative and disciplinary liability for acts of corruption. On April 26, 2024, as part of the implementation of UN SDG No. 16 “Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions,” a curatorial hour was held in student group 212 at the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology of the Faculty of Law on the topic: “Corruption is a threat to national security.” Goal: to form in students an idea of ​​what corruption is, to familiarize them with the causes of corruption, prevention and prevention measures, how young people can help, and to form their own position in relation to the problems of fighting corruption. During the event, students showed intolerance towards corruption and how important anti-corruption upbringing is in modern society.