Ғасырлар жаңғырығы: идеялар мен ұсыныстар алаңы

26 april, 2024

April 26, 2024 for young students-historians vuzov G. Almaty, Almaty region and Zhetysu region were organized by the forum " Ғасырлар жаңғырығы: идеялар мен ұсыныстар алаңы " in "SDU University". The Department of history of Kazakhstan PhD Aibubi Imanalievna Duisebayeva, PhD Alemzhan Galimzhanovich Arinov and students of the 3rd year educational program history Arai Madiyevna Makhmutova, Inkar Ruslanovna Sairanbek, Bekarys Medetovich Kurmangaliyev, Yernar Sungatovich Kunanbay took part in the forum and discussed issues "hard skills" and minor stories.