KazNU Business School strengthened ties with Chinese colleagues

30 april, 2024

Representatives of the Business School of Al-Farabi KazNU made a business trip to China, where they took part in a number of important events.

On April 20, Al-Farabi Business School delegation visited the China International Education Exhibition Tour (CIEET 2024) organized by the China Service Center for Academic Exchange. At the exhibition, representatives of the Business School met with representatives of the world's leading universities and agreed to discuss all options for cooperation.

On April 22, the delegation visited Yunnan University of Finance and Economics in Kunming. The Business School delegation attended the meeting with the top management of the university, including Mr. Yu Yong, Professor and Director of International Cooperation and Exchange Department, and Mr. Yang Zengxuan, Dean of the Business School. Mr. Liu Zhiyong - General Manager of Qidi Central Asia Development Group, expressed his opinion that companies should take an active part in the field of education and agreed on internships and traineeships. At the end of the meeting, a general decision was made on trilateral cooperation between Business Schools and enterprises, which should expand the channels and resources of students' employment.

On April 23, the delegation visited 2 leading universities in Shanghai: University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST), Business School and Shanghai University, School of Economics. During the meeting, the parties shared the achievements and prospects of the institutions in the implementation of business education programs and discussed possible areas of cooperation, including the launch of dual degree programs and exchange of students and teachers.




Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University