Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan

30 april, 2024

30 April 2024 within the framework of SDG  №16 “Peace, justice and effective institutions”, candidate of legal sciences of the department of theory and history of state and law, constitutional and administrative law Tursynkulova D.A. held a webinar with students of group 306 dedicated to 1st May - “Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan”. During the webinar, events were held aimed at strengthening unity and solidarity among students. Tursynkulova D. A. shared historical data about the significance of this holiday for society. During the lesson, the topics of tolerance, friendship and cooperation between countries were discussed. This webinar helped students gain a deeper understanding of the importance of unity and peace in today's world. Students wrote essays on the topic, dressed in the national clothes of each country and shared their opinions.