Elimination of hunger

18 april, 2024

On April 18, 2023  within the framework of  “Sustainable Development Goals”, the  1st-year master’s degree  students of  "Simultaneous translation" major  Bokenbay D. A., Tokenbayeva L.S., Shafigi A.U. and group advisor Bekturova E. K. conducted an open lesson with  the 3rd-year students of specialty “6B02304-Foreign Philology” on the topic: “Elimination of hunger”. The purpose of our educational event was to educate students about the existing problem of mass hunger as a phenomenon of social disaster. Initially, the cause of mass starvation was discussed, and the students actively showed joint answers to the questions asked, which can be noted about the awareness of the causes of the severe disaster that takes millions of people's lives. The content of the prepared and narrated material includes the story of the biblical character Joseph, who predicted seven years of famine and recommended that Pharaoh stock up on grain. From the history of famine in medieval times, examples were given of countries such as France, where in 1030 the inhabitants of this country experienced severe famine, and in 1125 Germany lost half of its population due to famine. Students were presented with all the slides about the facts of the famine in our country, in Kazakhstan in 1921, in 1932 and 1946. During our presentation, the students' attention was also attracted by information such as the reason for irrational food production, for example, 100 million tons of food are thrown away in Europe. The goals and objectives of our lesson were achieved through close-knit work.