"Reimbursement of work for young specialists and doctors of Philosophy (PhD)".

2 may, 2024


    Оn 25.04.2024, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted a meeting of a specialist from the financial center of Astana on the topic: "reimbursement of work for young specialists and doctors of Philosophy (PhD)". "During the meeting, it was noted that paragraph 17 of Article 47 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" "on education "" for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan studying on the basis of a state educational order (state order) in organizations of higher and postgraduate Bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies, the payback period in the relevant organizations is set for three years or two years or the period of training under the state order."According to the order of the State, graduates of higher educational institutions must have 3 years of work time for a bachelor's degree, it turns out that if you immediately enter the magistracy,then only the payback of the magistracy should be paid for 2 years. It was also noted that there is no compensation for graduates with disabilities I-II and pregnancy and children under 3 years of age. At the end of the meeting, a specialist from the financial center answered the questions asked by the graduates in a completely understandable way.