Workshop within the framework of SDG 3 Quality education of Seidalieva Guldana

3 may, 2024

       Guldana Seydalieva, a first-year master's student specializing in "Oriental Studies" at the Turksoy Department, Faculty of Oriental Studies at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, held an open lecture on April 18, 2024, within the framework of SDG 3, Quality education on the topic "Relations between Turkey and the Turkic World and Public Consciousness" for third-year students of the "Oriental Studies" specialty. The lecture focused on the political role of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) and the significance of the relationships among Turkic countries. The students discussed Turkey's role on the international political stage. They were also introduced to the activities of the OTS aimed at strengthening connections among Turkic peoples. The new topic was thoroughly explained, and to reinforce the lesson, a debate was organized among the students, where the geopolitical positions of the Turkic countries and Turkey were discussed. Additionally, faculty members were invited as guests to the lecture.