Visit to the A.Kasteev Art Museum.

29 april, 2024

On 29.04.2024, students of the PDR-106 group of Al-Farabi kaznu college under the guidance of the curator of the group L. Sayan visited the art museum named after A. Kastayev within the framework of SDG-4 “Quality Education”. 
Purpose: to instill spiritual food in the child through the demonstration of cultural places.
The participants of the tour got acquainted with the art of Kazakhstan, the Middle East, Japan, China, and Western Europe. The museum's exposition includes the best examples of traditional art, which allowed students to get an idea of the development of the culture of Kazakhstan and Central Asia as a whole from ancient times to the present day. With the help of the museum staff, the students got acquainted with the wonderful works of art and were in a great mood.